Server Metas
The server_metas
dataset is a JSONL-formatted listing of info on every DScope collection instance allocated during each day.
This dataset has both public and private versions:
- public:
- private:
For each DScope collection date, lines contain the following fields in JSON format:
Name | Description |
Id | AWS EC2 Instance ID |
Zone | AWS EC2 Zone name. Note that zone names vary across accounts, and are not guaranteed to be consistent in the dataset. |
ZoneId | The Zone ID. These are consistent across accounts but not present in all meta records. |
LaunchTime | Approximate instance launch time (from EC2 metadata service) |
RecordStartTime | Exact time the instance started recording traffic. |
PublicIp | EC2 Public IP assigned to the instance. Note: in the public version the last octet of this is deterministically randomized. The same IP is randomized the same way every time. |
TargetRecordDuration | How long the instance was configured to record for, in seconds |
InstanceType | The EC2 instance type of the recording instance |
BootTime | The boot time of the instance as measured by the Linux kernel |
BuildVersion | Git hash of the DScope collector version running. |
Measurement Applications
- EC2 spot instance preemption rates
- AWS infrastructure responsiveness based on boot times
- AWS IP Address Pool Reuse